Espee Oregon Division Project Pages

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oregon Division Timetable Hits the Presses

With the expansion getting closer to being put into full service, I've been plugging away on the Timetable that had been put on hold for so long.  The General Rules had grown to three pages (which was a bit intimidating to newcomers), so I reworked them back to the basics, and consolidated the remaining rules and  instructions into the new Timetable.  Multiple copies will be placed around the layout during ops, as well as having pages available on the blog here.  The TT cover was scanned from an SP original and printed on colored card stock to match the proto design, but have some name changes adjacent to the appropriate division offices to implicate fellow operators.  Pages inside were configured very similar to the original format, but instead reflecting the actual workings of the layout here as needed.  Inside the cover includes the typical pages of Special Instructions (for the Division as well as the Subdivision), a modified Station listing that coincides with the layout, and a copy of the original SP division map.  Additional pages were added to help operators, including signal configuration chart, as well as a layout track chart.  The rear cover is printed on the same colored card stock, but has changes to the oral authorization to make access to this info easier.  Future pages will appear as the layout grows more, like planned scanner and dragger detector information page, etc.  A more revised version of the station listing page might appear soon, in an effort to get that page a bit closer to the original TT configuration. A fun piece of work that adds another dimension to the overall layout during operating sessions.  I have updated the "Insight on Operations" page with the revised General Rules, latest form changes, and also added the Timetable pages there.  Visit this link to view the "Insight on Operations" page. 

Back to working on the RR...     :)